Tabletop Gaming


- Designer: Emma Larkins | Publisher:

Abandon All Artichokes seems like a reasonable mantra for the vegetable shy, but in the case of the game it’s not a flavour preference, but a pruning necessity,

Coiledspri­ng Games as a crop of artichokes has taken over your beloved vegetable patch. Housed in an aesthetica­lly pleasing artichoke shaped tin, this card game will see you abandoning vegetables more enthusiast­ically than a child with brussel sprouts at Christmas.

This is no garden variety game however, as you’re going to be trying to draw a hand without any artichokes in it at all in order to win. To do that, you’ll use the special powers of other vegetables to try to abandon those pesky artichokes at every opportunit­y. For example, playing a carrot means you can compost two artichokes, a potato means you can see the top card of your deck and remove an artichoke from it, a leek lets you place the top card from your opponent’s deck in either their discard pile or their hand, and so on. It’s a deck wrecking game

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