Tabletop Gaming



Party games are generally good options for games over video chat, because they encourage conversati­on and are often components light. Luckily, that’s what Big Potato Games specialise in, and Herd Mentality boldly steps up to the plate. The game asks you to answer simple questions, like “What is the best flavour of crisps?”, or “What’s the best way to cook an egg?”, but instead of necessaril­y answering honestly, you’ll need to answer the same way your fellow players do, and try not to gain the dreaded pink cow for being the odd one out. Big Potato Games already offer suggestion­s for minor rules alteration­s to a number of their games on their website to Zoom-ify them, but this seems to give you the full experience of the game even digitally. Though admittedly, no squeeze of a pink cow.

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