Tabletop Gaming


Now that we can (very nearly) get back together, we’re counting down our favourite party games ever.


Words by Anna Blackwell, Matt Bassil, Alexandra Sonechkina, Simon Castle, Glenn Ford, Ben Maddox, Charlie Theel, Dan Jolin, Paul Wake, Matthew Vernall, Mark Cooke, Chad Wilkinson, Charlie Pettit, and Christophe­r John Eggett

Every game can be a party game if you try hard enough. But the best ones are the ones that trick you into having giddy fun without any effort whatsoever. With the very real prospect of seeing people in person looming on the horizon, we thought we’d send out a call to some of our favourite writers to nominate their top party games of all time. Kind of like a bat-signal for games with a lot of messing about in them.

And the lists we got back were wildly different, so varied that before we even started collating votes we began arguing as to which of these games was really worthy of inclusion amongst ourselves. When the dust settled, we ended up with this list – which we present to you now as: The 50 Best Party Games Ever.

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