Tabletop Gaming



Let’s start with one of our wholly board game related milestones; the founding of Looney Labs.

Before Looney Labs, NASA coworkers Andy and Kristin worked part-time on designing hand-made game sets through their own company, Icehouse Games. After eight years of producing quirky short print games, the pair decided they wanted to create something that could be more widespread, so on 26th July 1996, they invented the popular ever-changing card game Fluxx, which has amused and infuriated players worldwide and led to them founding the new company to support it.

Whilst originally selling the publishing rights to another company, Looney Labs eventually had Fluxx

return to them and have since gone on to develop 38 different versions of the game, from themed sets like Star Fluxx to trademarke­d properties like Batman and Monty Python, selling literally millions of copies (hitting that mark in May 2011) as well as creating several other titles such as Loonacy and Chrononaut­s.

The husband and wife team continues to follow their experiment­al, small scale beginnings, operating now as a six-person team (of which five are women) dedicated to creating compelling small box games that everyone can enjoy.

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