Tabletop Gaming




Dryad Bark: Apply a basecoat to the hat and clothes.

Cadian Fleshtone: Apply a basecoat to the skin.

Karak Stone: Apply a basecoat to the hair and weapon wrappings.

Eshin Grey: Apply a basecoat to the weapons and buckles.


Russ Grey: Apply a line highlight to the jacket and scarf.

Karak Stone: Apply a line highlight to the trousers, boots, waistcoat and hat.

Flayed One Flesh: Apply a line highlight to the skin.

Fenrisian Grey: Apply an edge highlight to the weapons and buckle.

Corax White: Apply a spot highlight to the hair.

Pallid Wych Flesh: Apply a line highlight to the wrappings.

Thunderhaw­k Blue: Apply a layer to the jacket and scarf. Steel Legion Drab:

Apply a line highlight to the trousers, boots, waistcoat and hat.

Kislev Flesh: Apply a layer to the skin.

Dawnstone: Apply a line highlight and a thinned layer to the weapons and buckles.

Rakarth Flesh: Apply a layer to the hair and wrappings.


Fenrisian Grey: Apply a spot highlight to the jacket and scarf.

Rakarth Flesh: Apply a spot highlight to the trousers, boots, waistcoat and hat.

Pallid Wych Flesh: Apply a spot highlight to the skin.

Blue Horror: Apply a spot highlight to the weapon and buckle.

White Scar: Apply a spot highlight to the hair and wrappings.


Dryad Bark: Apply a basecoat to the jacket, scarf and trousers.

Cadian Fleshtone: Apply a basecoat to the skin.

Karak Stone: Apply a basecoat to the hair and wrist and ankle wrappings.

Eshin Grey: Apply a basecoat to the buckles.

Khorne Red: Apply a basecoat to the mouth.


Russ Grey: Apply a line highlight to the jacket and scarf.

Karak Stone: Apply a line highlight to the trousers.

Flayed One Flesh: Apply a line highlight to the skin.

Fenrisian Grey: Apply an edge highlight to the buckle.

Corax White: Apply a spot highlight to the hair.

Pallid Wych Flesh: Apply a line highlight to the wrappings.

Emperor’s Children: Apply a thinned layer to the mouth.

Ushabti Bone: Apply a layer to the teeth and nails.


Thunderhaw­k Blue: Apply a layer to the jacket and scarf.

Steel Legion Drab: Apply a line highlight to the trousers.

Dawnstone: Apply a layer to the buckles.

Rakarth Flesh: Apply a layer to the hair, wrappings and skin.

Wazdakka Red: Apply a layer to the mouth.


Fenrisian Grey: Apply a spot highlight to the jacket and scarf. Rakarth Flesh: Apply a spot highlight to the trousers. Pallid Wych Flesh: Apply a spot highlight to the skin.

Blue Horror: Apply a spot highlight to the buckle.

White Scar: Apply a spot highlight to the hair and wrappings. Slaanesh Grey: Apply a line highlight to the tongue.


Dryad Bark: Apply a basecoat to the hat and clothes.

Cadian Fleshtone: Apply a basecoat to the skin.

Karak Stone: Apply a basecoat to the hair and weapon wrappings.

Eshin Grey: Apply a basecoat to the weapons and buckles.


Wazdakka Red: Apply a layer to the ‘cloak’.

Bugman’s Glow: Apply a layer to the flesh.

Karak Stone: Apply a layer to the bones.

Mournfang Brown: Apply a layer to the hair.


Emperor’s Children: Apply a thinned layer to the ‘cloak’.

Kislev Flesh: Apply a line highlight to the skin.

Pallid Wych Flesh: Apply a line highlight to the bones.

Steel Legion Drab: Apply a line highlight to the hair.


Rakarth Flesh: Apply a highlight to the ‘cloak’.

Flayed One Flesh: Apply a spot highlight to the skin.

White Scar: Apply a spot highlight to the bones.

Karak Stone: Apply a spot highlight to the hair.

Blood for the Blood God: Apply splotches across the model, particular­ly on and around the ‘cloak’.


Eshin Grey: Apply a basecoat to the fur and skin.

Incubi Darkness: Apply a basecoat to the antlers.

Steel Legion Drab: Apply a basecoat to the veil, shawl, claws and wrappings.

Xereus Purple: Apply a basecoat to the mouth.


Ulthuan Grey: Apply a layer to the fur and face.

Fenrisian Grey: Apply a line highlight to the skin.

Russ Grey: Apply a line highlight to the antlers.

Pallid Wych Flesh: Apply a line highlight to the veil, shawl, wrappings, teeth and claws.


Celestra Grey: Apply a drybrush to the fur and a layer to the face.

Dawnstone: Apply a thinned layer to the skin.

Thunderhaw­k Blue: Apply a layer to the antlers.

Rakarth Flesh: Apply a layer to the veil and shawl.

Ushabti Bone:

Apply a layer to the wrappings, teeth and claws.


White Scar: Apply a line highlight to the fur and face, as well as a spot highlight to the veil, shawl, wrappings, teeth and claws.

Blue Horror: Apply a spot highlight to the skin.

Fenrisian Grey: Apply a spot highlight to the antlers.


Incubi Darkness: Apply a basecoat to the entire mini.

Khorne Red: Apply a thinned layer across the chest, mouth, eyes and tips of the horns.

Mournfang Brown: Apply a basecoat to the tomb.


Russ Grey: Apply a drybrush to the fur. Apply a line highlight to the skin, claws, horns and teeth.

Evil Sunz Scarlet:

Apply a thinned layer to the centre of the chest, eyes and tips of the horns.

Steel Legion Drab:

Apply a light drybrush to the tomb.


Thunderhaw­k Blue: Apply a drybrush to the fur, body and horns.

Mephiston Red: Apply a layer to the centre of the chest, mouth, eyes and tips of the horns.

Eshin Grey: Apply a drybrush to the tomb.


Fenrisian Grey: Apply a drybrush to the fur. Apply a spot highlight to the skin, claws, horns and teeth.

Wild Rider Red: Apply a spot highlight to the chest, eyes and tips of the horns.

Celestra Grey: Apply an edge highlight to the tomb.

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