Tabletop Gaming

Railroad Ink: Lush Green Edition

- CHARLIE PETTIT Designer: Hjalmar Hach, Lorenzo Silva | Publisher: Horrible Guild

Railroad Ink: Lush Green Edition does to Railroad Ink what I love about a certain style of expansions – it just adds in more of the good stuff. Railroad Ink is a popular roll and write based on creating journeys across your board, that is great to play in a group or alone. The

Lush Green Edition – and, I’m led to believe, the Shining Yellow Edition, but I’ve not played – adds in not just a different coloured board and theme, but new in game goals that you race to achieve, and some new dice faces. Now you’ve got to worry about dead ends, forestry, as well as where your route will wind to.

It’s probably no surprise that it’s easy to get drawn

into the game. Despite the additional cards to race your opponents to, it’s still a game you can play in your own little world, completing your puzzle from the dice faces, and entering a satisfying score at the end. Of course, this is an oft quoted drawback to Roll & Writes, but some of the fun is just continuing to play. The best descriptio­n of this feeling is that it’s satisfying. As for the difference­s, there are two new modes (easy and hard) which use forestry and trails dice to assist or complicate your journey, adding in another way to score, as well as a much appreciate­d solo mode.

It means if you enjoyed Railroad Ink, this gives you a way to play it fresh once again, whilst also being able to coordinate your favourite colour onto your shelf. It doesn’t do anything too revolution­ary, but that’s reassuring in itself. And if haven’t picked up a copy of Railroad Ink yet, there’s no harm in diving right in at the green end.

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