Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Mandy’s lucky dip

Each month, Mandy picks two readers at random and gives them a reading...


Ignore the sob stories you hear Mandy says:

YOUR MUM IS TELLING ME ABOUT PRE-PAID FUNERALS TO PROVE SHE KNOWS WHAT’S GOING ON IN YOUR THOUGHTS. She didn’t think she was going to die and is showing me stomach problems.

Who is David? Sue is annoyed at her family. Mum was with you when someone was talking about the colour they painted their lounge. She says, ‘Don’t be too impatient about moving home. People will tell you sob stories to get you to knock money off the price!’ Don’t fall for it. You will need that money to afford the house you want.

I see a ‘for sale’ sign going up in May or June. But a problem with your kitchen needs to be fixed first.

Mum is showing me wedding bells. She is also talking about three different rings of hers.

Michaela says:

I asked Mandy to contact my mum, Janice, who passed in February 2017. Mum had throat cancer which affected her ability to eat. None of us thought she was going to die.

The night before the reading, I saw an ad on the telly about pre-paid funerals and thought: ‘I should look into that!’

David and Sue are friends. Sue had a falling out with a family member, but it’s all sorted now. My brother, Joe, had his lounge painted navy blue.

My husband, Kris and I have decided to move closer to family. I am one to fall for a sob story, so I’ll keep Mum’s advice in mind.

We recently had a leak coming from the bathroom through to the kitchen.

Joe has just got engaged. He’s the youngest of us seven siblings so we used to joke that he’s Mum’s favourite!

Mum had four rings, but two are the same as she had her wedding ring re-made in a different size. So there are only three different ones.

It really brought me comfort knowing that Mum’s around.

I see two houses side by side Mandy says:

NAN SAYS SHE KNOWS JAMES IS DIFFICULT BUT YOU HAVE TO BE PATIENT WITH HIM. Someone has psoriasis, not eczema. That’s why the cream isn’t working. Who is Paul? Is there another Sue who you’re close to?

Now your nan is showing me a house, with big front windows, that the owners go in via a side door. It has a long back garden. Actually, there are two houses like this, side by side. One has a really messy back garden and Nan is shaking her head and is cross at all the mess.

She’s telling me about someone who’s not old but feels really old.

Who is Richard? I’m also picking up a relative called Jacqui. She’s with your nan giggling and they are talking about a celebratio­n in March.

Ebony says:

I asked Mandy to contact my nannan, Susan who died in November 2019 of a heart attack. James is Nannan’s husband and he can be trying as he’s so stuck in his ways! He has cream for eczema which isn’t working. When I passed on Nannan’s message he said: ‘She’s still looking after me.’

Paul is my uncle, Nannan’s middle son. My other nan is also called Sue!

Mandy described Granddad and Mum’s houses which are next door to each other. Granddad is a mechanic and the garden is a right old mess from where he’s left all his things lying around. Nannan used to get him to tidy it up, no wonder she’s cross!

My mum, Dawn, is only 42 and keeps going on about having Botox because she thinks she looks old for her age. Richard is my dad.

Jacqui is Granddad’s sister who died years ago. Her birthday was in March. She and Nannan could always be found having a giggle together!

That reading was great. I never believed in psychics before, but Mandy’s changed my mind!

It’s Uranus who steals the show this Summer! The planet of all things mad-cap, spontaneou­s and filled with wow-factor, is the only outer planet heading forward for the next three months, giving his energies extra power. Skip through the Summer haze with your eyes peeled for all that’s unexpected and exciting and you can make amazing memories.

It’s all about you!

This is your time to shine, and the same applies to everyone around you. Whatever is quirky, individual or out-there about you, let it loose. As the Summer inspires people to reach for more in life and love, focus on the part of yourself that is different and eccentric. That’s your inner magic, and it attracts good things your way. Make no excuses to yourself about your thoughts and feelings, and try not to change your opinions to please others. As Uranus links to Saturn just be who you want to be – or at least start working towards it. Encourage others to do the same and you could watch the old ways of life start to slip away and refreshing ways of living take their place.

Party eclipse

The season kicks off with a lovely, bubbly eclipse in the most gregarious zone of the heavens. It’s time to make connection­s and catch up with relatives and friends. This lunar activity governs local matters, too, so the best fun could be convenient­ly found in and around your region of the country.

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 ??  ?? Ebony Wilkinson, 23, Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Ebony Wilkinson, 23, Barnsley, South Yorkshire
 ??  ?? Michaela Ryan, 45, Eccles, Manchester
Michaela Ryan, 45, Eccles, Manchester
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