Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Rewriting DESTINY

I was at a crossroads, but Spirit knew the name of the man who would change my life.

- By Christine Roberts, 73

Janine brandished the bottle of white wine with a glint in her eye. ‘Just a small one!’ I laughed.

My meet-ups with Janine were keeping me sane. I was 29 and had been married for seven years, but my husband, Steve and I weren’t getting on.

I’d pop round to Janine’s to chat and do Ouija. It was a bit of a distractio­n. Different spirits would pop in – an actress called Maud from the 1900s, a more sinister spirit that kept saying, ‘you’re a cow’! ‘Shall we try something different?’ I suggested on this occasion. ‘Let’s ask questions about the future.’

Once everything was in place, I asked: ‘Will I remarry?’

The glass started to slide from letter to letter, until it spelt DAVE. Janine’s eyes widened.

‘When will Christine meet Dave?’ she asked. 12 MAY came the answer. ‘Where?’ I asked. YOUR HOUSE. Rather precise! ‘Will he change my life?’ I probed. YES.

The glass started to vibrate and move again. IN OCTOBER YOU’LL BE HAPPY, it spelled.

I shook my head.

‘It’s February, I’m still married and we’re due to move,’ I scoffed. ‘So how could I meet this Dave in my house?’

Folding up the board, I forgot all about it.

But when the sale of our house fell through we started accepting viewings again. On 12th May a potential buyer called Dave visited.

Could this be my new husband?

Dave was tall, dark, handsome… and married.

The Ouija was right about one thing, though. Dave did change my life. He bought the house, triggering Steve and I to call it a day once and for all.

I found a room for myself in a three-bed cottage.

The landlord worked in London during the week and was also looking for someone to occupy the third bedroom. He found a chap called Dave.

Over the next few months we got to know each other. Dave was in the process of splitting up with his girlfriend, I told him about my experience with the Ouija board.

‘It’s obviously me,’ Dave winked. ‘I fancied you as soon as I clapped eyes on you.’

‘Give over!’ I laughed.

That September Dave was working in Northern Ireland for a month, and I found myself unable to stop thinking about him.

We phoned each other and wrote and when he finally got home on 1st October, our hello hug turned into a kiss.

We’ve been together ever since – married 40 years!

Although I no longer dabble in

Ouija boards, there’s no denying that my encounter all those years ago was eerily accurate.

 ??  ?? Dave and me
Dave and me
 ??  ??

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