Take a Break Fate & Fortune

A Day in the Afterlife

Each month world-renowned medium Sandrea Mosses connects a reader with a loved one in spirit to discover what their life is like on the other side. Helen Kinnaird asked her to contact her husband, John…


Hi Darling,

I always had a bit of an inkling that there was an afterlife, but I wasn’t as brave as you. I wanted to live on and not think about another world, which is why I would never discuss it with you. But as I lay dying, I saw people from my life who had passed waiting for me. I know some people talk about one person. Well, I had a room full! Mum, Dad, uncles and aunts…

It was nice, really, they would slowly fade in and out and it was such a comfort. They told me afterwards that they knew seeing a lone person would be too difficult for me to tolerate. So they decided to make it look natural by having people sitting round and chatting.

Then, it was as if I had walked from one room to another and, here I was, home in Heaven.

I slept a lot at first. But as

Elsa, my beautiful blue guide, tells me, that’s normal. When we first arrive, especially after an illness, we sleep to recover. Just like we do on Earth when we are ill.

Helen, my love, this place is better than you could ever imagine and one day you will see it. I have our little house here by the coast. It’s so light and bright with a sofa covered in cushions that looks out to a silver sea.

I do come and see you at night Helen and, as your pain at losing me diminishes, I will be able to reach you even more easily. You see, when someone on Earth is racked with pain, their vibration lowers. We can still see and reach them, but they will struggle to see us.

I often kiss you goodnight and good morning. So, no, it wasn’t your imaginatio­n when you felt me kiss you. I managed to catch you as you slowly woke up, but before reality clicked in.

The photos of me around the house are lovely, but you don’t need them, Darling. I am etched on your heart forever. It’s as if you are afraid I will disappear, or not appear at all, but I am always by your side. I come several times a day and sit alongside you as you stare at the photograph­s, wondering what I am doing and whether I’m OK.

But I am fine. I haven’t really started to do any work here at the moment, I am just getting used to being here and exploring different places. Just like when

I was on Earth, I love to sit in the garden of our little house and listen to the bees as they travel from plant to plant. I also come down often to sit on my bench in our garden with you.

Helen, I will be there with you, my darling, for as long as you need me. I loved you with all my heart and still do. I just wish I could have been more open about my feelings, like you always have.

Scatter my ashes in the wind. You know where you would like to put them and that is OK by me.


John xx

I do come and see you at night

 ??  ?? Helen with John who passed in January 2020, aged 72
Helen with John who passed in January 2020, aged 72
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