Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Astro tarot

Denise Jarvie chooses a card for each sign to reveal what’s in store for you


ARIES Ace of Stars – Creation

Expect a burst of creative energy this month. An idea may already be calling you in the form of a new job, project, hobby or business. You have the experience and skills to surge forward. Step into your power and create your dreams.

LEO Six of Stars – Success

Something you’ve been waiting for is now very near, whether a new job, promotion or the beginning or end of a beloved project. You are reaping the benefits of a job well done. Stay focused. You’re on the path of your dreams.

SAGITTARIU­S King of Stars – Alchemist

Someone else can see your potential and they’ll help you to uncover it. This charismati­c and energetic individual can see your ability to be more. Are you ready to become who you know you can be?

TAURUS The Force – Strength

You’ve been waiting to be rescued for too long. Face your fears, rewrite your story and rescue yourself! No more knee-jerk reactions or taking things personally. None of these stories are true. You’re so much more than you think you are.

VIRGO Two of Trees – Flexibilit­y

A situation isn’t going to plan, but a solution is on the way. Trying too hard to bring about a resolution will only delay or prevent the desired outcome. The chips will fall where they may. A new path will be revealed.

CAPRICORN The Awakening – Emergence

You’ve been holding back, but now your inner eye is awakening and you’re seeing from a renewed, loving perspectiv­e. Beyond fear or limitation­s, you’ve seen what’s possible. Put your whole self forward.

GEMINI The Lovers – Union

A new romantic or sexual relationsh­ip is imminent, or may have already arrived in your life. This card may also indicate the deepening of an existing relationsh­ip. If you don’t have a partner, this card sees you embracing and loving more of yourself.

LIBRA The Acceptance – Harmony

Overthinki­ng a decision has left you stuck. Step back, close your eyes and focus on anything that makes your heart sing. Keep focusing on joy until you feel your energy shift. Very soon, you’ll know what to do.

AQUARIUS Three of Angels – Clarificat­ion

Through the experience of hurt and pain, you are clearer about what you do and don’t want. Cease wondering why this has happened. As you embrace pain it will subside and healing can begin.

CANCER Three of Hearts – Joy

Give yourself permission to have fun. You’ll be asked to attend or become involved with a celebratio­n. Let the festivitie­s breathe joy into your dreams. Honour the energy of celebratio­n and you’ll experience it elsewhere in your life.

SCORPIO The Shadow – Fear

Feelings that scare you are stored deep within. This part of you longs to be embraced and loved. You can heal your shadow. This card may represent a destructiv­e habit or relationsh­ip. Don’t make promises you won’t want to keep.

PISCES Nine of Hearts – Stability

Something you’ve wished for is on its way. It may not come in the way you expected, but it will be the essence of your wish. When you begin to focus on joy and love, you’ll see it all around you.

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