Take a Break Fate & Fortune

SCORPIO Matters of the heart

24 October – 22 November



You’re on a voyage of discovery, with life teaching you new tricks and showing you nooks and crannies that weren’t obvious before.

Think of this month as an experiment phase and you’ll go far.

What’s out there could even have you thinking of jumping ship around the new Moon on the 10th. With your ruler, Pluto, reversing and linking to lunar forces as he goes, what was let go of in the recent past may get another look in.

Give them the old razzle dazzle! It should come easy, and not only be useful in attracting lovers, but captivatin­g friends and family. That’s when you aren’t keeping yourself to yourself. The decisions you make quietly and alone this July could turn out to add even more oomph to your relationsh­ips. Trust you to get the balance right between ‘me time’ and the urge to merge or socialise. In the last week of the month, a newcomer could be the one for singles on the lookout for a mate. Line up to get in on the introducti­ons.

Luck and cash

It’s all to play for. One final push, one big interview, one announceme­nt is all it should take to catapult you towards your preferred job title. In work and money matters alike, once you are given an inch turn it into a mile. The spotlight will soon

be trained on you, so it’s a case of singing and dancing for those who can seal the deal. A three-way conversati­on could link you to a profitable venture, too. Research now and sign up once things have gained a little more momentum.

Be sure to…

...create a family wish list, then pick your top three to work on. It could be fascinatin­g to see where your interests are the same and where they are completely different.

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