Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Your August stars

Our expert astrologer Rosalie Jones reveals what your month has in store for you...


Busy doing nothing! Laidback days are what August is all about. As a gentle cosmic breeze wafts in, whatever you have been focusing on in life, could slow down or even come to a complete standstill. The temptation may be to push hard to keep things on track, but you could save yourself a whole lot of trouble and time if you let the universe take some of the strain instead.

Planetary forces are geared up to do more than you might think, working things out in the background. Plus, some things that happen this month may be due to previous efforts as much as anything you do in the here and now.

As wild-card planet Uranus joins the gang of celestial bodies taking a holiday from the 20th, unexpected events, twists and turns could add excitement. There’s a very sociable energy in the heavens, too, that predicts you’ll learn more from time at play than time at work.

People power is the name of the game around the full Moon on the 22nd. Try to be in the right place and with the right faces, and justice, truth and delights should follow.

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