Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Mandy makes contact with Dennis


Dennis is here and he’s asking if you sense him around. He says he will come to see you at around 2am in the morning.

Who is Bill? Dennis is also talking about a man called David and says: ‘Please can you send him my love.’

Does your daughter suffer with her stomach? Dennis says that if he had a magic wand he would wave it and make it all better.

Now he is talking about Paul, who is doing something to the house at the moment. He needs to calm down a bit and not work as hard as he does!

Is Dawn thinking about getting a caravan? Tell her in quite a few months she’ll get a static one.

Finally, Dennis says he loves you very much. He knows there are a lot of people with him who you love but he has told them that, when your time comes to cross over, he will be the one to come and meet you.

Joan says:

I’ve never felt Dennis around me and I really want to. I don’t sleep very well so I will try to pay more attention at that time.

Mandy gave me lots of names. Some I didn’t know but the rest were all of Dennis’ friends. Bill passed over before he did but came through in a reading years later and made Dennis more of a believer in the afterlife!

My daughter, Dawn, does suffer with her stomach. Her husband, Paul, is extending the house. He’s a self-employed scaffolder and, after a long day at work, comes home and carries on with the renovation, so he never rests!

Dawn used to have a caravan but they got rid of it a few years ago. We loved caravan holidays when the kids were young so it would be lovely if she got another one so we could go away again.

The reading really made my day. I’m so glad Mandy was able to reassure me that I will see Dennis again. It means so much.

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