Take a Break Fate & Fortune

How can I ESCAPE my bullying boss?



For years, my boss has been bullying people and it recently got so bad we got the union involved. She was moved to another team, but now she’s coming back! Some of my colleagues have left but I haven’t been able to find anything suitable. I’m so anxious. What can I do?

Emily, 24, Milton Keynes


In life, when we face difficult situations, there is always a valuable lesson to be learnt. Once we have understood what the experience has taught us it doesn’t have to be repeated. I believe opportunit­ies will open up for you and new employment will come your way. It’s time to get specific on what exactly you want. The angels also wish to point out that your boss will have learnt from this situation as well and could well be a different person when she returns. Ask your angels to help you with this situation knowing that whatever you decide to do next will help everything work out.

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