Take a Break Fate & Fortune



What we eat can affect prosperity magic, so decide what foods to cook and how you might combine them to get extra hits of money magic.

Pork is excellent for attracting prosperity and luck, while beef steak or burgers invoke the energy of fertility, which is good for finding avenues for making money.

Chicken brings prosperity, luck and fertility. A triple whammy in money magic.

And let’s not forget the veggies! Corn on the cob makes a delicious BBQ addition and carries the magic of abundance, luck, prosperity and fertility, while onions add a fertility hit with the energy of fire to back it up.

Ketchup brings the creativity of tomato, which can help generate moneymakin­g ideas. You can even paint pound signs with olive oil onto your buns before you add them to the grill. This introduces the fertility magic of olives, too – good for producing a fertile bank account!

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