Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Polish your plans


The full Moon on 22nd August will be an astrologic­al blue Moon – the second full Moon as the Sun passes through the same zodiac sign, in this case Leo. The Moon itself will be in rebellious and free-spirited Aquarius.

All full Moons are times when past intentions or efforts are likely to bear fruit. In an astrologic­al blue Moon, this energy is magnified, so this is a great time for a final push on any projects you’ve been working on. Personal issues that have been bubbling away for some time may reach their climax too.

Helpfully, full Moons can also deliver insight into how your past decisions have led you to the point you now find yourself at. Take advantage of this greater insight with a three-card tarot spread, under the light of the blue Moon.

Take a few cleansing breaths before shuffling the deck. As you pull the first card, ask: ‘What events from the past are still affecting me?’ As you pull the second ask: ‘What challenges are facing me right now?’ For the third ask: ‘What direction am I heading?’

This spread should reveal any roadblocks as well as what needs to be done – or let go of – for you to get where you should be.

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