Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Should I get another cat?


I have a cat called Amber, 12. We call her Wuss-puss because she’s nervous and jumpy around strangers or loud noises. If a workman comes in the house she’ll jump up on a chest of drawers and on top of the wardrobe. I wondered if she would like a playmate – another cat or a dog?

Vanessa Baker, 55, Hampshire

Texas says:

Amber is stuck in fight or flight mode. She shows me a raised heart rate indicating her fear. Even when someone is not there, she is alert in case something happens. She sounds distressed when I mention a kitten or a dog and doesn’t seem to like the idea at all. This may escalate her worry and anxiety. At the moment I feel any new pet would be unsettling to her.

Vanessa says:

Amber is OK around us and she’ll go out during daytime, but if the doorbell rings she’ll shoot upstairs onto the wardrobe. I wouldn’t want to upset here, but I do wonder if single pets are lonely or bored.

 ??  ?? Amber
 ??  ?? Vanessa

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