Take a Break Fate & Fortune

DEAD poets’ society

I’d never penned a verse in my life so where was my new talent coming from? By Gill Pakes, 62


Meditating on the sofa, strange words suddenly popped into my head. Sitting quietly on the stairs, no one’s here, no one stares.

‘What’s that about?’ I wondered, reaching for a pen and notebook to scribble them down.

As I wrote, more words arrived. I could barely keep up!

When they finally stopped, I had a read.

It was a poem about finding happiness and being watched over by loved ones in the spirit world.

But I’d never written poetry in my life, couldn’t even if I’d tried!

‘Wow!’ I gasped. Did that mean maybe spirit had sent me this poem?

That’s when a name popped into my head. Ted Hughes.

I vaguely recognised him as a famous poet who’d died 20 years ago. Could it really be him doing the writing?

Either way, I knew something important was happening so posted the poem on Facebook.

‘If anyone recognises these words, please message me,’ I typed.

A short while later, a lady got in touch. ‘This is spot on!’ she exclaimed.

She said as a child she used to sit alone on the stairs at home and every single word in the poem could have been written just for her.

That’s when it hit me. Had spirit sent me a message for her in the form of a poem?

After that, the poems kept coming, often at the strangest times. I’d be in the shower or peeling potatoes for tea at home in Redditch, Worcesters­hire when I’d have to stop to grab a pen and paper and write.

One was about sitting on a bench at the seaside, eating fish and chips with a loved one.

Not long now, I can see, before you come and meet me, the poem ended.

Again, I posted it on Facebook.

Soon an elderly lady messaged to say the last time she’d seen her beloved grandma decades before was when they’d sat on their favourite seaside bench eating fish and chips. Her grandma had promised her that when she died, she’d wait for her in the spirit world.

Spirit had sent the comforting poem to confirm her grandma hadn’t forgotten her promise.

‘That’s lovely,’ I smiled happily.

Another poem was for a woman whose husband died suddenly on holiday. Within minutes of me posting it online, a lady got in touch to say it was about her.

It’s only been seven months, but I’ve already penned over a dozen poems.

Perhaps Ted Hughes really is behind them and has decided to be my spirit guide. Whatever the truth, I know the poems are being sent to me by Spirit. I’ve never heard of any other mediums doing this so I reckon it’s their way of grabbing everyone’s attention and making sure the messages don’t get missed.

It takes years of practice for most people to learn the art of writing so to be able to do it overnight is spooky to say the least.

The poems kept coming

 ??  ?? Me writing poetry
Me writing poetry
 ??  ?? Me

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