Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Protected from harm

A violent attack, knocks and falls, even ghosts. Whatever life throws at me, I know who’s got my back! Rebecca Cole, 75


As I gently brushed my great-aunt Mary’s platinum white hair, my mum chuckled. ‘I think Rebecca’s rather enjoying that.’ Mum was right. I’ve always loved caring for others. And even though I was a teenager, I liked helping my aunt. ‘Whatever happens, Rebecca will always be looked after,’ declared Great-Aunt Mary. Mum looked a bit baffled and changed the subject. I, on the other hand felt a jolt. Was Great-Aunt Mary talking about my angelic visitor? I’d never told anyone about what had happened when I was nine years old. I’d been in bed when the wall behind my bed began glowing and there, with its eyes closed, was an angel. Awestruck, I’d hidden under my duvet knowing if I’d told anyone else, they’d just have laughed at me. Great-Aunt Mary passed away a few weeks later and the memory of what she’d said faded over the years. I became a psychiatri­c nurse, which was challengin­g work, even life-threatenin­g. One day, a patient cornered me in the loos and held scissors to my neck. ‘I’m going to kill you,’ she hissed. ‘Help,’ I prayed. Suddenly, just like that, she dropped the scissors and walked off. Like a switch had been flicked. The experience shook me. But I’d been saved by mysterious interventi­on. A few years later, I was in the garden on my own and tripped. But instead of falling to the ground, I sensed a pair of hands catch me, gently lowering me to the ground unscathed. I felt shaken. What I’d experience­d couldn’t be easily explained. My great-aunt’s words echoed in my head: ‘Rebecca will always be looked after.’ Did I have angelic bodyguards?

A few months later, I tripped on the stairs. Again, something stopped me tumbling to the bottom. This time, I said, ‘Thank you angels!’

Then I started to notice signs when my angels were around. A hand on my shoulder. The scent of fuchsias.

Ten years ago, I moved into a new house, walked into my lounge and saw a woman in Victorian clothes, with a ghostly gun dog at her side. Then came the low voices chattering at night.

A neighbour told me the house was haunted, but was I scared? No, because I had my angels protecting me.

These days, I call on the angels to help others. There was a missing dog reported on Facebook recently. The owners were distraught, so I asked Archangel Michael to find it.

‘Or at the very least,’ I pleaded, ‘leave the dog somewhere where someone will find it!’ The next day, the dog was found in the doorway of St Michael and all Angels church!

I count myself very lucky to have such a special team looking out for me and others.

 ?? ?? Me
 ?? ?? Me as a child
Me as a child
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