Take a Break Fate & Fortune


23 November – 21 December



Welcome to a period of thoughts before actions. You can gain satisfacti­on from being an authority in a field, even if it is a topic you have known little about. As Spring begins, you can amass knowledge about any subject. Your mind is sharp as a pin helping you out in debates, too, which you should win, once you’ve done the preparatio­n. At times you could find you are both judge and jury, but if you don’t let having the final say go to your head, you can lay matters to rest as well as pick up a new interest.

Matters of the heart

Spruce up your environmen­t and streamline your everyday routine if you want a romantic boost. Furniture and cupboard rearrangin­g moves the chi energy flow, harmonisin­g your home for all who visit or live there. Single? No need to search far and wide, the very one you could enjoy getting to know better is likely to already be in your circle. You’re getting more involved in cultural groups, and a book club could bring a loyal friend into your fold. From the 21st, you’re ready to paint the town red again.

Luck and cash

You’re representi­ng yourself beautifull­y, with Mercury sharpening your communicat­ion skills in profession­al matters, until the 10th, helping you be a marketing whiz kid, whether it’s you or a product you’re selling. A sense of calm washes over you from the 11th, and taking a step back to survey the landscape works wonders. Old connection­s could come in handy. They’re willing to do you a favour or write a reference. There’s paperwork at home that could aid your cash flow, so if you have been putting off a boring task just remember when it’s done you should be quids in.

Be sure to…

…hold or plan a party. Getting your favourite people together all in one place and at one time may be long overdue and will be worth the effort, especially if it is a celebratio­n for you.

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