Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Lisha says:


I wasn’t sure if Granddad would come through as he didn’t believe in psychics, but Mandy was able to bring so much through from him.

My mum, Linda, has arthritis in her legs. We’re always going back and forth to appointmen­ts so I assume that another one is just around the corner.

I can’t imagine any family members falling out right now, but it has happened before and, yes, that is the sort of thing Granddad would have said.

My son Jamie, who is 23 now, is like Mandy described and I also have Myla, who is coming up to one. She has really vivid blue eyes that everyone comments on.

When I’m holding her, she’ll often look elsewhere in the room as though she’s seeing someone, so that was nice to have confirmed.

Since Myla came along, my partner Mark and I have needed a bigger place to live. I’ve been saying for ages the kitchen needs redecorati­ng, but there’s no time as we have our hands so full!

Mark is normally very quiet and just gets on with stuff, but he has brought up having back pain.

John is my dad and Margaret is Mum’s mum who died. She and Granddad knew each other.

Since having Myla, I dropped down to part-time hours in my teaching assistant role, but I’ve always been interested in giving home caring a go.

I used to have a silver car years ago, but Mandy thought Granddad was talking about someone else’s car. My sister Sara has one, but she’s not as spirituall­y inclined as me.

I’m not aware of any parties coming up, although we’re going to New York to celebrate my sister Georgina’s 40th birthday. That fits in with what Granddad said about going abroad, but he could also be referring to the other members of the family we went to see in Boston after Nan died.

We’re going to see my mother-in-law soon and she often makes cakes for the children’s birthdays. As Myla is turning one, this prediction may well come true.

It’s difficult to say if the other things he said would happen could come true, but I can say that I’m always waking between 3 and 4:30am.

I’m so glad to have had the chance to speak to Granddad again and have proof he is still watching over all of us.

 ?? ?? Alf with his great-grandsons Jamie and Charlie
Alf with his great-grandsons Jamie and Charlie

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