Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Mandy makes contact


Your mum is here and there are two people standing behind her. She needs to be a bit louder and walk through the door so I can hear her better.

I’m pulling out some cards now that show you have arrived at a crossroads. Changes are needed.

This year, you need to try and be more positive. Don’t doubt yourself or your abilities as a mum. When holding your baby, you will see his head moving like he’s looking at someone. That will be Mum.

Mum says your job isn’t very fulfilling and she is going to draw you towards a new one better suited to you.

Now Mum is talking about a conversati­on to do with skin problems, another about someone’s hair and a third recently about a new bed. She was there on all occasions, listening.

Mum keeps saying that she will give you more signs she’s around. When these happen, you will get tingles.

When are you planning on having another baby? If it’s more than two years then be careful as I see a new one right around the corner! I see you ending up with three children including a girl.

Now Mum says to tell Tracey that she’s sending her love. I’m getting more names who might be connected to your new job. Lisa, who has straight blonde hair and a lady called Heather. Mum is laughing and says this lady will be really nosy!

I see you moving house in three or four years’ time with the help of a bearded man. An estate agent perhaps. Look out for a place with a small garden that you can easily maintain and a big kitchen that faces the garden. You and your partner will be doing more together this year, exploring activities that don’t cost much.

Two days before Mum went, she says she was being called to other side. Don’t think about the end of your mum’s life; visualise her when she was healthy and well.

I’m pulling a few angel cards that represent strength and healing. Your mum is telling you to be stronger. That way, she can come through and give you signs more easily. Being upset makes it harder for her to make a connection.

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