Take a Break Fate & Fortune


something I had a strange feeling, but when sinister was found, I got the ultimate 64 message of hope. By Donna Jordan,


‘Please don’t let me die’

Switching on the TV, I sighed. ‘It’s happened again,’ I told my husband Joe. ‘All those breast cancer adverts.’

It felt like every time I put the television on, I’d see an ad for a breast cancer charity.

And that wasn’t all. I kept getting these strange feelings.

I didn’t understand why. I hadn’t lost weight unexpected­ly and I didn’t feel ill, but this overwhelmi­ng feeling that something was wrong kept invading my mind.

I’ve always had strong intuition or psychic ability — I’m not sure which. I can also tell if someone is in emotional pain, just by looking at them.

But me and Joe were polar opposites.

‘You’re overthinki­ng it,’ he told me.

Still, it had carried on for weeks — maybe the universe was trying to tell me something?

I decided to check my breasts.

That’s when I found a really tiny lump in my left breast.

I made an appointmen­t with my GP. The lump was so small he couldn’t feel anything, but he still sent me to hospital for tests.

I had a mammogram that came back clear.

But to be sure, I also had an ultrasound scan, which revealed a tiny lump.

I needed a biopsy, and two weeks later, I was called back to see the specialist.

‘I’m afraid it is breast cancer,’ she said. ‘I’m surprised you noticed it, the lump is so small.’

Of course, I didn’t mention my weird feeling, she’d have thought I was barmy.

As I drove home from the hospital, it hit me.

What if I die?

It was a beautiful sunny day, so I took my dogs to the park to clear my head.

There was no one about, which was quite unusual. I stood alone in the middle of the park, surrounded by nature. Birds were singing, wild flowers danced in the breeze.

Please don’t let me die, I thought. I’m not ready to leave this beautiful place.

Then a white feather drifted down in front of my face and fell at my feet.

I looked down at it and smiled — a white feather means an angel is with you.

I walked home, and another white feather fell at my feet, and then a few more steps, and another — it happened all the way home!

When I reached our house, the massive bush in our garden was covered in white feathers — and so was my front lawn. ‘Joe!’ I shouted.

Even he couldn’t believe it. ‘Maybe next door’s cat’s killed a bird?’ he said.

‘How many birds would it have had to be with white feathers?’ I replied.

I had such a strong sense that the angels were giving me a message — that I would live.

Even stranger, when I looked out of the window half-an-hour later, the feathers had vanished.

I soon had a lumpectomy and daily radiothera­py.

In time, I was given the all-clear.

It’s been 13 years since the angels sent that message and I feel truly blessed. I’m still here, happy and healthy — and a true believer in angels.

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 ?? ?? I had a strange feeling
I had a strange feeling

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