Take a Break Fate & Fortune



My Sasha passed last year, aged 14. I want to know if she found her dad (my husband who died in 2020). She was such a daddy’s girl. Tina Price

As soon as connection was made, I could see a man holding Sasha in his arms, and she looked very comfortabl­e. She says while she misses her life, she is happier to be where she is now, and feels needed. My lovely Lola died suddenly one morning when I was out. It was awful, and I feel so guilty that I wasn’t there when she needed me. She was 11 years old and very rarely ill. Sharon Hodder

Lola feels that her passing happened the way she needed. She wasn’t distressed. She says if you’d been there you may have panicked, and that would have made it harder for her. She says, ‘Rest assured, it was just as I wanted.’ I would like to know how my ferret Draco is doing, and what he is up to in the afterlife? Samantha Roman

Draco didn’t feel just like a pet, he felt as if there was a true friendship between you and him. When asked what he is up to, he replies, ‘this and that’, and I get the feeling that he wants to make you laugh. He then says, ‘please can you tell her I miss her.’ Please help me connect with my dog, Duchess. I never knew what happened to her. I was so little when she left, and I miss her even now, 20 years later. Sami Rose

Duchess was very maternal. She’s close by, and always watching you. Sometimes she rests her head on your knees. When I ask what happened to her, the reply is always the same ‘No need to worry, as I’m here now’. My lovely cat Fifi passed away very recently, aged 19. I am devastated. She’d been missing for two weeks, before being found with a broken leg. Someone took her to the vets, and they put her down. I never got to say goodbye. Kate Parry, via email

Fifi says she knew you were willing her to come home, but she wasn’t able to, physically. She says it was your relationsh­ip with her that kept her going, even at such an elderly age.

 ?? ?? Fifi
 ?? ?? Duchess
 ?? ?? Lola
 ?? ?? Sasha
 ?? ?? Draco

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