Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Psychic Challenge!

Each month we connect a reader with a well-known psychic, then keep count of how successful the reading is…


1 I can see that your life is very busy. You’re always pushed for time and you really need to be taking better care of yourself. Sleep more, eat more, don’t just live off snacks!

PETRA SAYS HIT! This is so true. I have four children, including my baby Yasmine who is only four months old, and juggling them with the housework leaves little time for myself. I often cook dinner for everyone, but only eat a snack so that there’s enough leftovers to save for the kids to eat the following day, and I don’t sleep well.

2 There is something important about the month of March. I’m picking up you were or will be working as a carer for others.You also do a job that involves lots of organising.

PETRA SAYS HIT! This is spot-on. I’m on maternity leave at the moment and due to return to work in March. Before

I had my youngest, I did two jobs — one as a personal assistant and another as a care worker. I think it will be too much to go back to doing two jobs so I will only be returning to one of them.

3 I’m hearing the song Let It Be by the Beatles. This is telling me about a certain situation in your life which I think is related to a relationsh­ip with a male who can make you feel bad. You don’t know how to fix it and aren’t always being true to yourself.

PETRA SAYS HIT! I have been with my husband Kris for 14 years and married for 12 of them. We love each other but there are times when he drives me crazy! I hadn’t heard this Beatles song before but the way Natalie explained what it meant did make sense.

The only info our psychic is given before the reading is the reader’s name

4 I see a lady coming through who had a heart of gold. She was always busy, like you, and wished she had more free time. She passed down recipes to you and is showing me a scarf of many colours.

PETRA SAYS HIT! This is my friend who tragically died early last year. She was a busy mum-of-three and did use to make suggestion­s on how I could improve my cooking when I complained it didn’t taste right and asked for advice. She was a Muslim who converted to Christiani­ty so it was interestin­g that Natalie mentioned the scarfs.

5 I’m being shown the letter ‘G’ in capitals which means it’s an important first, middle or last name. I’m also shown the number 38.Your friend says she had a happy life and wouldn’t have changed anything. She isn’t showing me how she passed, but I think it was from a long-term illness.

PETRA SAYS MISS! I can’t think whose name begins with a ‘G.’ At first, I thought my friend had lived at a number 38 house but when I checked it wasn’t. Sadly, she took her life so the part about an illness didn’t ring true.

6 There’s a male spirit standing next to your friend. He had neat, calligraph­y-style

handwritin­g and was 5ft 8in tall. He was a quiet but important man who was very organised. He’s saying: ‘Don’t forget to fill in that paperwork!’

PETRA SAYS HIT! I think this is my grandad Oldrich who died in 2003, aged 78. He travelled for work to all kinds of places such as America and Germany working as a translator for the chemical industry. He was just how Natalie described. It’s reminded me that I still have to fill in my universal tax benefit form. I keep forgetting!

7 A beautiful white light shining from you shows that you have spiritual gifts which you can learn to use.The more open you are to them, the more messages you will receive. It will take time but you will have more spiritual dreams featuring your friend.

PETRA SAYS HIT! Yes, I’ve had psychic dreams and I often see white feathers around me which Natalie said can be from angels and spirits. I once had a dream about my friend where she told me that my daughter Yasmine would be born on her birthday. Sure enough, she came along two days early!

8 The angel of wishes card is telling you that the angels can solve your problems and worries. Look out for a wren as a sign from them that you’re doing the right thing. This little bird has a beautiful song.

PETRA SAY HIT! This is hard to verify because it hasn’t happened yet but I’ll give Natalie a hit for this as I have seen birds sent by Spirit before. A previous psychic had told me to look out for robins and, after that, I kept seeing them on mugs, plates and cushions in my clients’ houses when I was a care worker.

9 The angel of patience card reminds you that things are just how they are meant to be at the minute.Trust and have patience that things will fall into the right place at the right time. Your friend says: ‘Just put one foot in front of the other.’

PETRA SAYS HIT! This is so true. I just want to do everything in one day — sometimes I wish the days were 60 hours long so I could get everything done! I think my friend is saying that I should spread my to-do list out over several days and take it at a slower pace.

10 I feel an energy around my tummy. I think it means someone is pregnant. I’m surprised you’ve already had your baby otherwise I would say it was you. It must mean that someone around you is pregnant or is about to be.

PETRA SAYS MAYBE! I hope it’s not me that’s pregnant as my little one is only four months old! Natalie only touched upon this briefly so I’m left wondering who else this could be. I don’t know anyone who is pregnant or planning to be so I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled to see if this comes true.

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Oldrich’s handwritin­g

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