Take a Break Fate & Fortune


New Year’s resolution­s already long-forgotten? Worry not. Here’s why this might be the best time to make a fresh start


Spring, the season of fresh-starts and new beginnings, is just around the corner — it starts on 1 March if you follow the meteorolog­ical calendar.

The Astrologic­al New Year also falls this month, making it the perfect time to revisit those goals you hoped to meet at the start of the year, or even set some new ones.

And if you need a little extra support with your Spring-loaded projects why not explore The Dream Weaver’s Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid — complete with adorable, quirky illustrati­ons by Joel Nakamura.

This channelled deck aims to help you have a dialogue with the Divine about your dreams, desires — and your destiny!

‘The creative vision for The Dream Weaver’s Oracle came to me in a series of repetitive dreams,’ Colette explains. ‘In these dreams, a story soon began to coalesce of mystical beings who have made their home in the Hidden Realms since before the Cosmos was created.

‘These were the Dream Weavers — strange, playful, benevolent beings who came to this realm as shapers of reality. Our earliest ancestors met these world makers, but over time, they faded from our memories.’

Colette hopes her latest deck can act as a map for when you’re feeling lost, showing you a simple, loving way home to yourself.

‘When you work with this Oracle, you will remember who you really are, rather than who you’ve been conditione­d to believe you’re supposed to be,’ she says. ‘It will remind you that your purpose is inside you already, built into the personal cosmic blueprint with which you came into this life.’

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