Take a Break Fate & Fortune


23 November – 21 December



You may be stereotype­d as an extrovert, but you need your downtime like everyone else. Even if your outer life is like a carnival (and, newsflash, this month it may be!), home life and recharging will be especially important to you. Around the 3rd, for example, you’ll want to make your home as beautiful as it can be, so you have a haven to retreat to. Nurture family ties, but be aware that those close to you are human, after all. As the month progresses, practise patience in handling family issues.

Matters of the heart

It’s an important love month and while you’ll be having fun, romance can be complicate­d!

But whatever your situation, what is certain is that a powerful new start is being activated in your love life, on and around the 8th. Perhaps it’s a new romance or a renewed passion in an existing relationsh­ip. It’s like you just click with another person and understand them. It certainly feels like an intense and magnetic attraction. Be open to surprises. One thing’s for sure, your personal love story is going to be helped by important conversati­ons that will make your love resilient.

Luck and cash

Right now, you can expect bursts of ‘wow’ ideas and an urge to revolution­ise your work. By the 19th, you are truly focused and adept at blending the traditiona­l and the innovative in your workplace environmen­t. Be open to experiment­ing with new work methods or technologi­es and fine-tuning work processes. Taking on big projects or goals that seemed daunting before is absolutely do-able now. Take chances to learn new skills, as they will boost advances in your career. Overall, you’re entering a thrilling but short-lived period when unexpected connection­s or insights change your world.

Be sure to…

Chase up on a talent that you left behind some time ago. It’s a brilliant time to resurrect it.

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