Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Laura says:


The other John that Gramps is referring to, was his father-in-law who passed when I was a baby.

Mandy’s right, no one could tell my Gramps what to do!

When I visited, Nan would come in the room and go: ‘It’s a bit dark in here,’ and switch on the light.

Then Gramps would switch it off and refuse to put it back on when Nan complained, saying it was a waste of electricit­y.

The white car belongs to my son, Morgan. He drives sensibly when I’m in the car, but I can imagine he drives fast when I’m not!

Both my sons are sceptical about the afterlife, so I haven’t had a conversati­on with him about Gramps being in the back.

The black car is my Range Rover and, yes, my husband Danny and I have been talking about switching to a smaller car.

Gramps was always interested in my cars. He’d get in and go: ‘Ah! This car is beautiful,’ so he would’ve loved helping me pick my next one. My eldest son, Taylor, 23, has been talking about getting a loan to buy a new car, so that is spot-on, too!

Melanie is the nice lady my daughter works with. We were talking about her the other day. I can’t remember what it was about, but it proves Gramps was there.

Danny is my husband and, although the other names didn’t mean anything to me, I’ll keep them in mind for the future, along with the man having surgery which didn’t ring any bells.

My daughter Lillie has been upset lately over the loss of her great nan on her dad’s side.

I’ve had a couple of dreams about Gramps recently. In the first one, Nan said she had a surprise for me and led me into the living room where Gramps was sitting in an armchair. I hugged him and it felt so real. The second one was similar.

We’re thinking about moving house — after two cars crashed into our home!

Mandy hadn’t seen the photo Gramps described, but I had already sent that very one into Fate&Fortune, which was weird!

It was really nice to hear from Gramps as I wasn’t sure if he would come through. Whenever I used to tell him I’d been for a reading, he’d listen to me talking about it before saying: ‘Oh, all right then, Lollipop’, like he didn’t really believe in it all.

However, Mandy’s recording of our reading mysterious­ly stopped twice. She said that had never happened before, and that it must have been Gramps messing with us!

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