Take a Break Fate & Fortune



We’re now going to do a full house clearing, beginning at your front door. In happy places, this is where good energy flows into the house. But if there’s a stagnation or build-up of stress in the house, it can reduce or even block the energy from entering.

● Holding out your dowsing rod, stand inside your house, just to one side of your front door (the door doesn’t have to be open). Tell yourself: I’m looking for energy flowing in through the front door.

Now walk or stand parallel to the door. As you pass by the doorway, you should see your rod turn to point away from the door. This is the energy flowing into your house.

If your rod doesn’t turn, it means stress or emotional residue is blocking energy from coming into the property. Don’t worry too much; there will still be some energy flowing in.

● To find where energy is stagnant or blocked, continue walking slowly around the house, all the while repeating in your mind: I’m looking for the energy flow.

● After a while, the rod should begin to turn, indicating the direction in which the energy is flowing. Turn your body to follow it, positionin­g the rod so that it’s still pointing straight ahead of you. Keep following the rod’s lead.

● Healthy energy should flow in nice smooth curves. If some emotional stress is held in a room, your dowsing rod will begin to turn in a tight spiral, zigzag, or move in a straight line. Something negative happened in this spot that disturbed the energy. But what? If you don’t know, you can ask your pendulum.

● Holding the pendulum in your free hand, ask it yes/no questions and see how it swings. For example: ‘Is this disturbanc­e from previous occupants?’ ‘Is this disturbanc­e from

one of the current occupants? ‘Is the emotion held here fear/anger/ anxiety?

● Now say out loud:

‘I am going to clear the energetic stress held in this room.’

The pendulum will begin to swing in a brand new way that’s different to your yes/ no movements. For instance, perhaps it will vibrate, or move in circles in the opposite direction to before. This shows the clearing is taking place. While this happens, you may feel some of the emotion that caused the disturbanc­e, such as anxiety.

● When the clearing is done in this patch, your pendulum will change its movement into the ‘yes’ sign. You may even feel a gentle ‘whoosh’ as this happens.

● Continue around the house, clearing any more disturbanc­es you detect. If the rod won’t take you into a certain part of one room, it means there’s no flow of energy to that space, and it needs clearing, too.

Congratula­tions! Your house is now cleared. Most people feel instantly calmer and happier, with further improvemen­ts in the days and weeks afterwards.

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