Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Psychic and tarot master Richard Knight tells us about his neardeath experience…


Aged 11, I went on a boating holiday on the

Thames over the Easter break.

One day, I managed to fall into a canal lock while pulling the narrow boat in.

I couldn’t get to the surface and was effectivel­y trapped beneath the boat.

I have a vivid memory of looking up at the bottom of the boat — which was pale blue

— and having a realisatio­n that this was it for me.

Instead of panicking that I was drowning,

I became very calm, and almost just let go.

The next thing I remember was like a flying feeling.

I had the image of the tunnel of light, which at the time I described as going through one of those toy kaleidosco­pes with coloured patterns.

Through the kaleidosco­pe, I was confronted with different people.

At that point in my life, I hadn’t had many family members pass on so I didn’t recognise anyone. However, I did see one man, who I later realised was probably my dad’s dad

— my grandfathe­r.

The abiding memories of that experience are an immense feeling of being loved, being connected and feeling like I was going home.

I remember hearing indistinct adult voices talking, and I was aware of being in the most amazing, beautiful garden, with waterfalls and mythical animals like unicorns around me.

Then, in a flash, I was back in my physical body.

I don’t really remember the next part, but

I’ve been told that after about three minutes underwater, I shot out of that lock like a dolphin jumping — despite being weighed down with a soaking jumper and coat.

Other than an upset stomach, I was physically fine.

But that experience has never left me.

I have no fear of death, my intuition and psychic abilities went through the roof afterwards, and I’ve been told that my demeanour changed.

I became more studious and serious and many people used the expression ‘he’s been here Looking before’. back, although my experience was through the lens of an 11-year-old, that sense of being connected and feeling like

I was back home where I was meant to be is still so strong.

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