Take a Break Fiction Feast

Tenth anniversar­y

Maggie's marriage had reached a life-changing milestone

- By Shane Telford

Well, what do you think?' Tracy asks, and interrupts my daydreamin­g.

She' s holding a mirror up to the back of my head and, as usual, I' m not quite sure what I' m supposed to be looking at. I smile and say it' s perfect anyway.

The front is nice and tidy, a fringe just long enough to cover those pesky worry-lines that' ve sprung up almost overnight, and that' s all that really matters.

Where does the time go, eh?' she asks when we' re at the counter, and I' m digging through my purse for a tip.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. Me a nervous wreck because it was my first wedding, and you every inch the perfect bride, trying to calm me down like it was my big day!'

She doesn' t need to paint me a picture. I can see it as clear as day in my head. Straighten­ers trembling dangerousl­y close to my neck, the two of us barely more than girls. I don' t know where the time has gone either. Ten whole years.

Maggie!' She calls after me when I' m almost out the door. You' ll be needing this tonight!'

Somewhere along the trip down memory lane I' d managed to forget my purse. Honestly, my head these days. I don' t know where it' s at.

I' m so jealous of you.'

One last sigh from Tracy as we say goodbye for the second time.

A night of wining and dining in Scallini' s. You' re a lucky girl!'

The only thing I love more than Italian food is a fancy Italian restaurant, and Scallini' s fits the bill. The prawn linguine is to die for, and has a price to match.

Six years we' ve gone there now, it' s basically a tradition. It' s the kind of place that requires a new outfit every time. Any excuse to spoil myself, Scott would always scoff.

That colour is just perfect for you.'

The shop assistant smiles at me.

The dress I' m examining is emerald green. With my pale skin and almost-red hair, I know I' d look a perfect picture in it.

It' s smaller than I' d buy usually, but it' s not the size that worries me I' ve lost a few pounds recently, and I' m sure I could squeeze into it it' s the two zeros on the price tag.

Go on, then,' I say, when I' ve decided. It is my anniversar­y, after all.'

I hand the credit card over with a smile.

It' s only when I step outside and check the time on my phone that my stomach lurches.

The excitement, the longing, the anticipati­on has all shifted to one side and made room for something else, a feeling I can' t quite put my finger on.

In a mist of panic, I consider calling up and cancelling the table. I' m just about to hit dial when I have a better idea.

The candles, the music, the flowers on every table, no wonder Scallini' s is known as the most romantic spot in town.

It' s beautiful, isn' t it?' my date for the night asks.

I nod and smile, chest all warm from the chianti.

Ten years¼ .'

And over just like that.'

I sigh.

Men,'' Tracy tuts. If it' s not their eyes that are wandering, it' s their hands!'

Before I can reply, a bowl of food is placed in front of me, and the appetite that s been so lacking recently is back.

Don' t be silly!' Tracy says, when I tell her not to worry about the money. I can' t have you paying, not after all you' ve been through.'

You' re doing me a favour!' I insist. This table has been reserved for months. If it weren' t for you, I' d be sat here alone.

Can you believe it? I was actually going to come here all by myself. What was I thinking?

Besides, I' m not paying for dinner,' I smirk.

I wave his credit card between two fingers. A fancy frock and a slap-up dinner is the least I deserve after what he' s done to me.

How about a glass of champagne before we go?' I ask, eyes still sparkling. Or even better, how about a whole bottle?'

To moving on!'

We both raise our glasses, and I mean every word.

I smile at Tracy and scan the room for the last time. So many memories in every corner, but I know I' ll make new ones somewhere else.

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