Take a Break Fiction Feast

Telly addict Trev

When their television packed up, Tanya' s husband took up a mysterious new hobby¼

- by Eirin Thompson

When our TV went on the blink one night, as we were watching Inspector Dare, my husband Trevor howled in frustratio­n.

Take it easy,' I told him.

We' ve only missed the last five minutes we can catch up next time.'

I suppose,' he said. We' d better ring the repair man straightaw­ay, to make sure he comes tomorrow. A TV' s one thing we can' t do without.'

Personally, I thought the kettle and the cooker were more essential, but Trevor did love his television.

The next afternoon, the repair man knelt over our set, fiddling with the handset and checking the plug.

Eventually, he turned to face us.

Sorry, Mr and Mrs Reynolds this TV' s had it. You' ll have to buy a new one.'

Trevor looked at me aghast. We' d just spent our entire savings on double-glazing. We had no means of buying a new TV set straightaw­ay.

It' s OK,' I told Trevor, as we stood at the front door waving the repair man off.

We' ll just have to wait for a month or two.'

A month without telly!' Trevor cried. No way!'

If you want to see something really important, you can always watch on your tablet,' I reminded him.

It' s too small,' he complained. It' s just not the same. And it only works for one person I like watching with a bit of company.'

Maybe it' s a blessing in disguise,' I suggested. Now' s our chance to do something different. We could join the library start reading stories instead of viewing them. Or we could buy a new cookery book and try out some recipes, rather than just staring at Jamie or

Nigella onscreen.'

Trevor scowled. He wasn' t impressed.

I just happen to like television. It' s my way of relaxing,' he said, huffily.

Oh, you' re such a couch potato,' I snapped. At least make the effort to try and turn this negative into a positive.'

The following evening, Trevor grudgingly agreed to go for a walk with me.

It' ll do us good to get out of the house more, and have a bit of movement,' I said.

We set off at a decent pace and I soon noticed that Trevor was actually smiling.

See it' s not so bad, is it?' I said.

You' re right, Tanya a brisk walk is a real pick-meup,' Trevor replied.

But when I suggested we go walking again the following evening, Trevor had his own ideas.

I' d actually prefer to walk on my own,' he said. Not that I don' t enjoy your company, but I' d like to use the time to do some thinking. You know, they call it meº time. And I can' t do that if we' re together.

Maybe you could try a bit of cookery, like you said, or read a book you still haven' t started that one Becky got you for Christmas.'

I was a bit taken aback, but the thought of an hour on my own getting creative in the kitchen did sound appealing.

You' re on,' I said. I' ll do some baking. Take your time and there should be a treat ready for you when you get back.'

We quickly fell into a routine of me baking in the evenings and Trevor arriving home after an hour or two, pink-cheeked and out of puff.

Then, during one baking spree, I discovered I' d run out of cornflour. I decided to pop next-door and see if I could borrow some.

Yes, I believe we have a new packet,' my neighbour Daphne said. Come in and

I' ll fetch it. You can have a word with Trevor while you' re waiting.'

With Trevor?'

He' s just in the front room.'

My eyes were like saucers as I popped my head round the doorway and found Trevor pacing on Daphne and Maurice' s treadmill, as he and Maurice watched the latest episode of Inspector Dare on a huge TV. Trevor!'

My husband turned to me without a hint of guilt.

Well, you said I should try and get out of the house and take some exercise,' he said. I noticed Maurice' s set-up through the window that first night we went walking, and now, as you can see, I' m doing both.'

Trevor told us about your TV problem,' Daphne said, appearing at my side. Do you want to pause your baking and watch the final instalment of Inspector Dare with us?'

I looked at my smiling husband. I looked at the eager faces of Daphne and Maurice. And I decided I would.

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