The Armourer

King’s sword at Dreweatts


of Wales (later George IV, 1762-1830), was invoiced for 'A Spanish Sword', 'An Old English Sword', 'A silver gilt Dress Sword from the late King of France's Cabinet', together with 'A very old German Rifle' and 'A very elegant silver mounted gun', the total amounting to £72 17s 6d. Although only five bills from Tatham exist in the Royal Archives, they show that he was supplying swords to the Prince of Wales/George IV, both antique and new from 1799 and possibly earlier, until at least 1826. Given the close friendship that existed between the Prince of Wales/George IV and John Hely-Hutchinson, 2nd earl of Donoughmor­e (1757-1832), it is possible that this sword was a personal gift from George IV to his trusted confidant Lord HelyHutchi­nson. It is estimated to fetch £400-£600.

The sword is one of several discoverie­s made during the removal of contents of

Weston Hall, some of which lay untouched by the family for more than 300 years. They will be offered in a vast sale at Dreweatts on Tuesday, November 16, 2021.

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