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‘End in sight’ for Anvil challenge


Big Davy’s challenge of hauling a 120kg anvil to the top of Goatfell to raise money continues with slow but dogged and determined progress. The challenge now at day 12, at the time of going to press, has surprising­ly seen Davy Ballantyne’s determinat­ion increase as each day progresses.

He has now nearly doubled his original target of £3,000 which is currently at £6,848,65. Donations for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation have been received from colleagues and friends and from supporters as far afield as Hong Kong and Australia; this feat of passion and determinat­ion has captured the imaginatio­n of people the world over.

After the first week, and having endured a period of fierce spring sunshine, Big Davy really started getting into his stride as his daily distance increased as he passed the second deer fence on the route, despite facing steeper and rougher terrain ahead of him.

By day nine, having described his muscles as ‘nearly popping’ and struggling for purchase against the steep banking he reported being pleased at placing the anvil at a position which allowed him a good start in the morning. By day 12 which Davy described as ‘nice’ after having completed a 350m stretch and facing yet another steep ascent he added: ‘Tomorrow starts a very steep ascent. It will be very strenuous. If we can make this climb, then the end will be in sight.’

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