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Can you help in finding Drogo?


Visitors, residents and walkers on Arran are being urged to keep a lookout for a missing dog in Brodick after he bolted into the woods last week.

Drogo, who is an 11-month-old rescue dog from Bosnia, had only been with his new owner Emma Campbell for a month when he, during a familiaris­ation walk, disappeare­d behind the Glenartney Hotel in Brodick.

Despite an exhaustive search of the surroundin­g area Drogo could not be located and any attempts to lure him back with food have been unsuccessf­ul. Owner Emma has also re- turned to the area where he was last seen to see if he had returned but, being incredibly skittish, he has avoided and evaded everyone so far.

In an effort to collate the various sightings, of which there have been at least 10 in the past week, a Facebook page has been created called Finding Drogo, which was approved by Emma’s children, who are Finding Nemo fans.

Since Drogo went missing, Emma has been supported by organisati­ons such as Lost N Hounds and Lost Pets in Glasgow who are arranging a large dog trap to hopefully capture Drogo humanely and without undue stress.

Emma said: ‘I am so concerned about Drogo out there on his own. While ordinary life carries on with children, work and everything else, we have spent hours searching for him.

‘Thank you to everyone who has reported seeing him so far and to everyone who has either helped spread the word or who has helped look for him. People have been amazing.’

Anyone who encounters Drogo is asked to not approach him, for fear of driving him further away, but to let Emma know by calling 01770 600008 or 07981 025352.

 ??  ?? Drogo is an 11-month-old rescue dog from Bosnia who has been missing in the Brodick hills for over a week.
Drogo is an 11-month-old rescue dog from Bosnia who has been missing in the Brodick hills for over a week.

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