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Third outing for Thumble Tumble


Author of the Arran-based Thumble Tumble books will be visiting Arran next week to promote the release of her third book in the series, called Thumble Tumble and the Eagalach Cup.

The visit will allow followers of the little witch, known as Thumble Tumble, to meet the author, Angela Proctor, and to enjoy a day of magical fun, which will include the opportunit­y to test their skills against the ‘mysterious bolt ball’.

The family-friendly event will take place at the Brodick Village Hall on Saturday September 30, between 11am and 1pm.

First published in 2015, the first instalment in the series began with Thumble Tumble and the Ollpheist, where young readers were introduced to the little witch who stumbles upon a mysterious secret. The popularity of the first book ensured that it was rapidly followed up with Thumble Tumble and the Cauldron of Undry.

The series involves an assortment of exciting characters and adventures, which include night witches, sea dragons and flower nymphs and thistle pixies, mostly all set on Arran.

The third instalment in the series involves Thumble Tumble stumbling upon Mogdred’s – an evil night witch – evil plan to attack the thistle pixies at the Eagalach Cup, resulting in an adventure of a lifetime where she eludes night-walking creepers and loathsome tree trolls during an incredible journey of discovery.

Author Angela regularly visits Arran with her children, which is why the entire Thumble Thumble series first started.

Captivated from childhood by fairy stories and the world of the Brothers Grimm, her fertile imaginatio­n was held in check until she brought her young children to Arran where, one day, they asked her to tell them a story of witches and dragons, and the floodgates opened.

Thumble Tumble and the Eagalach Cup is released on Thursday September 28.

It is available for pre-order at www.thumbletum­ books along with previous books in the series.

 ??  ?? The cover of the new book.
The cover of the new book.

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