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A heartfelt thank you



Bill and Aileen McLaughlin, their daughter Fiona McMaster and grand-daughter Kirsty would like to say a very sincere and heartfelt thank you to everyone who came to our aid on Saturday morning.

A faulty camera battery caused a serious fire in the lounge of our Sandbraes home.

The Lamlash and Brodick fire crews were on the scene very quickly.

Their courage, profession­alism and reassuring compassion are beyond mere words.

Each and every one of you was amazing and we cannot thank you enough. Ourselves, four guinea pigs and Dileas, the cat, are forever in your debt.

It is a surreal experience to watch firefighte­rs in breathing apparatus going into your home of 48 years with smoke pouring out the windows.

To the paramedics, Gwen and Dave, who were as always the epitome of calm profession­alism and compassion, thank you.

To the hospital staff for looking after dad again - for a few hours, thank you.

To David Boyle for coming so promptly on a Saturday to ensure the power supply was safe for us all, thank you.

To friends and neighbours for all the phone calls, messages and enquiries, thank you. They are all very much appreciate­d.

Thanks to the special lady who brought us freshly made scones on Sunday. What a lift your kindness gave us.

Thank you – these two small words do not begin to do justice to the debt of our gratitude to each and everyone for all the love, care and kindness we have received.

More than once last Saturday I was told: ‘Ach, we’re just doing our job’.

That may be so but it shows how many truly amazing human beings live amongst us. We are forever in your debt.


Bill, Aileen, Fiona and Kirsty, Whiting Bay.

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