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Time to start living again



Last year, as the pandemic spread across the globe, the uncertaint­y of the entire situation brought the world to a halt. Understand­ably that was the only way to deal with such a new and unknown threat.

One year later, scientists and doctors have much more knowledge, a far better understand­ing of how it is spread and how it can be treated and, best of all, in the UK we are fortunate to have a highly successful vaccinatio­n programme.

That should be cause for joy, optimism and relief. But it isn’t.

Because here we are again facing another summer of cancelled events, whether large or small, whether indoors or outdoors.

Just about everything is cancelled and we are expected to put our lives on hold for another year.

Last year, when all events were cancelled, we were told we could look forward to everything being back in 2021, bigger and better.

And the general consensus was: ‘We understand and we don’t mind. We look forward to seeing everyone again in 2021’.

But the ‘we look forward to seeing everyone again in 2021’ has become ‘we look forward to seeing everyone again in 2022’.

What will happen when it becomes clear, as it will, that the virus is still around in 2022?

Viruses don’t just vanish, they are with us permanentl­y. And this virus will be no exception.

It will mutate to survive. And we will have the variants of Covid-19 with us for the rest of our days.

Life is never guaranteed and should not be taken for granted.

Who can say for certain they will still be alive next year? Or even tomorrow? Who knows for how long their nearest and dearest will be around?

That birthday misse or family get-together postponed may never happen. For many people it definitely will not happen.

Life is for living. And there is a vast difference between living and existing. At the moment, most of us are merely existing. Every minute of every day, our lives are ticking past. Time that we will never get back.

At what point do we say enough is enough? When do we get our courage back, take a stand and start living again?


Beverley Scott,

Whiting Bay.

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