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Lucy the lucky Lab finally on the mend


An injured Labrador has been saved from having its front leg amputated after generous contributo­rs donated nearly £6,000 towards vet bills which will pay for surgery on the leg and hip of the young dog.

The story of Lucy, who was on her way to her new home on Arran, made headlines in the papers and across social media channels this week after she became spooked by a train at Paisley Gilmour Street station and leapt over the train tracks and over a wall.

Unfortunat­ely Lucy seriously injured her front leg and hip when she landed as the wall dropped approximat­ely 20 feet on the other side. After an initial search Lucy could not be found as she had crawled away and found a place to hide.

Luckily train staff later heard her barking and her location was discovered, but this was more than 24 hours after the incident.

Lucy was seriously injured and unable to move, so she was rushed to the nearest veterinary clinic where it was suggested that amputation might be the best option.

A gofundme page was set up by Lee Herron to see if funds could be raised to assist Lucy and her adoptive family to help pay for the costs of the operations that Lucy required. Without taking into account any aftercare costs it was estimated that the operations on Lucy’s leg and hip would cost in the region of £4,500.

Within one day of the plea, and with the help of all of the media attention, the gofundme page attracted 386 donors, who all helped to raise £864 more than the fundraisin­g goal of £5,000, a total of £5,846 which will all go towards medical treatment for Lucy, who is lucky to be alive.

Lucy was admitted to the veterinary clinic at the start of the week and on Tuesday they operated on both her front leg and hip with initial indication­s that the operation has gone well.

 ??  ?? Lucy, the fox red Labrador, captured the hearts of animal lovers who donated funds so that she could have emergency surgery.
Lucy, the fox red Labrador, captured the hearts of animal lovers who donated funds so that she could have emergency surgery.

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