The Arran Banner

Your community council needs you


It is almost time for Arran Community Council elections, and completed nomination papers need to be with North Ayrshire Council Committee and Member Services by noon on September 27.

Page 22 of The Banner of August 27 gives details, which can also be found on the NAC website. Nominees must be island residents aged over 16 and serve in a voluntary capacity and it is hoped the elections will attract some younger members.

Several members of the community council are understood to be standing down and a total of 12 nomination­s are being sought from across the island. It is vital the community council continues to function to provide local democracy and community empowermen­t.

Long-ttime resident Sally Campbell said: ‘Arran needs a vibrant, engaged community council with active councillor­s willing to be heard in the corridors of power, representi­ng the residents of Arran, many of whom feel now that their voices remain unheard.’

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