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Arran joins call for COP26 global day of climate action

‘On Saturday November 6... people all over the world will be standing up for climate justice.’

- By Colin Smeeton editor@arranbanne­

Campaigner­s on Arran calling for climate justice will join thousands of people from across the world taking part in a global day of action during the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26).

The island event, organised by Machrie resident Hilary Patrick and Sally Ann Campbell, will take place on the Brodick seafront, opposite the Douglas Hotel, on Saturday November 6 between 1pm and 1.30pm.

In response to COP26, being held from Sunday October 31 to Friday November 12 in Glasgow, a number of decentrali­sed mass mobilisati­ons will take place across the UK at 1pm on Saturday November 6, including on Arran and in Glasgow where tens of thousands are anticipate­d to make their voices heard.

Hilary said: ‘People from Arran will be going to Glasgow, but not everyone feels able to take part at this time.

‘So, we are going to mark the occasion here in Arran, standing in solidarity with the marchers in Glasgow and the people all over the world who need COP26 to succeed.

‘On Saturday November 6, as the COP26 summit takes place, people all over the world will be standing up for climate justice.

‘They want the COP26 summit to succeed and world leaders to agree meaningful steps to combat global heating. They want them to hear the voices of the people most affected by climate change.

‘Please join us and show your support, bring a seat if you cannot stand. You might want to make a placard, or wear something green. But the main thing is to come and stand up for climate justice.’ Hillary, who recently moved to Arran from Edinburgh, hopes that the actions will inspire politician­s to show leadership and commitment and that it will serve all those whose lives are already threatened by changing weather patterns and rising sea levels.

She also hopes it will help to secure a safe future for everyone, particular­ly the younger generation­s here in the UK and around the world.

As a Quaker, Hillary has invited other Quakers to join the action and has extended an open invitation to members of the Episcopal and Catholic churches and the Church of Scotland.

However, the event on Arran will be non-denominati­onal,

non-political and open to anyone and everyone who supports the cause, regardless of any affiliatio­ns.

So far, she has received interest from many people, including ecologists and faith groups, and she hopes schools and younger people will also join in, making their voices heard.

COP26 Coalition, a UK based civil society coalition of groups and individual­s mobilising around climate justice during COP26, is expecting more than 100,000 protesters to arrive in Glasgow during the global day for climate justice on Saturday November 6.

Marchers will meet at Kelvingrov­e Park at noon before making their way to Glasgow Green for a 3pm show of numbers.

Speaking about the need for climate justice, a spokespers­on for COP26 Coalition said, ‘Global problems need global solutions.

‘The decisions made at COP26 will shape how government­s respond - or not - to the climate crisis.

‘So far, government­s have done too little too late: colluding with corporatio­ns and hiding behind green washed ‘solutions’ that actually don’t exist yet, that don’t address the scale of the problem and, in many cases, rely on more exploitati­on of people and the planet.

‘The transforma­tive solutions we need to survive and build a more just and fair world can only be brought about through collective action, solidarity and co-ordination from our communitie­s and internatio­nal levels.

‘We are bringing together movements from across the world to build power for system change – indigenous movements, frontline communitie­s, trade unions, racial justice groups, youth strikers, land workers, peasants, NGOs, grassroots community campaigns, feminist movements, faith groups – to name a few.

‘Wherever you are in the world, now is the time to join the fight for climate justice.

‘We need all hands on deck: in workplaces, communitie­s, schools, hospitals and across national borders.

‘Join us in actions across the world so that we can be loud and clear to the world leaders discussing our future: we want climate justice now.’

Throughout the COP26 event, supporters and detractors are expected to make their voice heard with a number of actions and demonstrat­ions.

Police Scotland has committed around 10,000 officers from across Scotland each day during the conference.

Their role will be to keep everyone safe during the most high profile and significan­t security and policing event ever held in the United Kingdom.

The huge operation will involve police officers from Scotland’s 13 divisions and specialist resources, including firearms officers, dog handlers, mounted branch, search teams and the marine unit.

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 ?? ?? One of the Arran event organisers, Hilary Patrick, is calling on everyone - regardless of any affiliatio­ns - to join her on the global day for climate justice on Saturday November 6.
One of the Arran event organisers, Hilary Patrick, is calling on everyone - regardless of any affiliatio­ns - to join her on the global day for climate justice on Saturday November 6.
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