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Supporters invited to make a stand during Conscienti­ous Objectors’ Day


Conscienti­ous objectors on Arran, who believe people should have the right to refuse to take part in wars and military activities, are inviting supporters to join them on Conscienti­ous Objectors’ Day.

The gathering at the Coastal Way monument in Brodick will take place on Wednesday May 15, where participan­ts can show their solidarity with people, past and present, who object to military activity on the grounds of freedom of conscience or religion.

Statements from people who are being imprisoned for conscienti­ous objection reasons will be read at the gathering which will be replicated by other groups in Israel, Ukraine, Russia and around the world.

One of the organisers of the gathering Cheryl Burgess said: “Supporters of Internatio­nal Conscienti­ous Objectors’ Day believe that wars are too often used to serve the political or economic interests of the powerful and that those who refuse to kill other people to advance these interests - often at great cost to themselves - should be allowed to make this choice. “This Wednesday, May 15, there will be a short event in Brodick to enable those who support Conscienti­ous Objectors’ Day to gather in solidarity. The organisers invite you to join them from 4pm to 5pm, across the road from the Douglas Hotel, for a vigil to honour people who have refused to fight wars over the course of history and those who are doing so currently.

“If you wish to take a stand against increasing militarism across our world and to show support for those who are actively objecting to this today, this is your chance to do so.”

 ?? ?? Supporters are invited to meet at the Coastal Way monument in Brodick to show solidarity with conscienti­ous objectors.
Supporters are invited to meet at the Coastal Way monument in Brodick to show solidarity with conscienti­ous objectors.

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