The Artist

DEMONSTRAT­ION Summer in Dentdale



With a 6B pencil I drew out my compositio­n on a piece of watercolou­r paper. By working from a definite plan, I didn’t have to make alteration­s, which can be disastrous even at this stage as lots of erasing can easily bruise and damage the paper. I began with size 6 squirrel mop brush, applying a simple wash of light colours using cerulean blue in the sky, switching to yellow ochre and Winsor violet lower down across the foreground


In the trees I used a size 3 mop to apply the colours and shapes vigorously in places, maintainin­g control around the shapes I wanted to keep light. My basic green was permanent sap green and I varied this in colour with the addition of yellow ochre, ultramarin­e and some cerulean blue. I used fresh colour from the tube which also allowed for rapid changes in values. Lower down in the field I used my size 6 again with permanent sap green, cadmium yellow pale, yellow ochre and cerulean blue mixed loosely on the paper


Summer in Dentdale, watercolou­r on Saunders Waterford 140lb (300gsm) Not, 10315in (25.5338cm).

This was where the design plan paid off; with uncertaint­y eliminated, I confidentl­y attacked the shadows and form. I added further dark values to the trees to give them depth and shape using a size 2 mop and plenty of thick colour. I continued into the shadow of the left-hand wall with a mixture of cobalt blue, Winsor violet and yellow ochre and I connected this into the field shadows whilst the paint was still wet. Next, I moved on to the building in much the same way, adding the shadows and allowing them to blend into the grass shadows for which I used French ultramarin­e and permanent sap green. Switching to a size 6 sable brush I worked the sheep one by one, adding a cerulean blue mark to echo the colours of the painting. Finally a little gouache was added to the gates, window frame, roof lights and one or two missed highlights on the sheep

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Next month: Paint a portrait in oil

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