The Artist



l On sunny days, try painting shadows first. Then add middle values and leave the lightest values as untouched paper. l Try reserving highlights using a white Conté stick. It is quicker and easier to apply than masking fluid, removable and less likely to damage your paper. l Keep your materials simple and portable, and ensure they are always to hand. l Upon arrival in a new location, take time to familiaris­e yourself with your surroundin­gs before settling down to paint. Keep a sketchbook handy to note down impression­s and make thumbnail sketches. l In popular tourist locations try to avoid the obvious scenic views and landmarks. Look out for interestin­g angles and viewpoints, and don’t be put off by simple, everyday domestic subjects. l Before starting, ask yourself what it is that you especially want to say about the subject in front of you. Keep this thought as your central focus and make sure it carries through into your finished painting.

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