The Artist



Place a large blob of cinnabar red on the magenta-coloured area. The surface is still wet. Slowly pull the squeegee down and then a little bit up again. Loosen the coloured blob with it. Then use the squeegee to give the blob a real jolt upwards so that the colour flies a little. Do the same in a downward direction. Pull the paint towards you with a strong yank. In this way, you ‘sling’ the thick blob over the surface. This produces a beautiful effect. Drag the rest of the colour a little bit. On the cadmium yellow in the upper part of the canvas, add a little bit of diluted cinnabar. Now let everything dry. It takes a little longer to dry because the paint has been applied thickly. Leave it to dry slowly. If you want to use a hairdryer, you must blow-dry very slowly, otherwise the paint will crack.

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