The Artist



l Metal or wooden sketching easel or pochade box, eg French half easel, Open Box M, Sienna or Guerrilla Box. These all need a tripod, too, apart from the French easel.

l Paint – you can squirt out paint onto your palette before you go to save you time and weight.

l Palette – either disposable or part of the easel. l like a French half easel.

l Brushes and brush carrying tube or roll. Rosemary & Co make excellent brushes and stock a bamboo carrying roll.

l Painting surface, eg paper, canvas board, wooden panel or MDF, canvas. Experiment with what works for you and the subject you are painting.

l Medium and/or turps pot that can rest on or attach to your easel/pochade. I use a hook and an airtight steel brush washer from Jackson’s.

l Kitchen roll/rag, a bag for dirty rags. l Palette knife for mixing paint or clearing down your palette

l A bag for carrying everything or most of it –- I use a rucksack with wheels

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