The Business Year Special Report

Luis Torres Paz, Former Executive President, PROMPERÚ

PROMPERÚ works to boost exports, develop tourism, and attract more investment to generate further growth in the country.


How would you assess your experience with digital transforma­tion in light of COVID-19, and what is PROMPERÚ’s future strategy in this regard?

COVID-19 has accelerate­d the digital transforma­tion that was started a few years ago, which is why we could continue with internatio­nal promotion activities, despite the global conjunctur­e. Therefore, PROMPERÚ decided to further improve its digital environmen­t; indeed, our main services are now digital. First, we promoted the virtual implementa­tion of business rounds, where 1,296 exporters and internatio­nal buyers participat­ed in 27 activities among the food, clothing, manufactur­ing, services, and fishing industries. This strategy resulted in 2,927 digital business appointmen­ts. PROMPERÚ has an ambitious future strategy with four main projects: the internatio­nal promotion of the Peru Marketplac­e, a digital channel that gathers the best Peruvian exports on offer; the extension of the e-commerce program to boost the participat­ion of more exporters in marketplac­es around the world; the implementa­tion of an institutio­nal CRM to build loyalty among our clients that use specialize­d services; and the automation of informatio­n and service management to improve our internal processes through innovative technologi­es such as big data, blockchain, and AI.

What is your outlook on the export potential of Peru’s superfoods, promoted under PROMPERÚ’s Superfoods Peru brand?

Peruvian agro-exports have great potential; besides being one of the most important internatio­nal suppliers of several commercial­ly known products such as blueberrie­s, grapes, citrus species, avocados, asparagus, mangoes, fish products, and similar, it has many other products still little known in the world that could also promote a healthy lifestyle. Some examples are lucuma, an extraordin­ary natural energizer rich in niacin that helps the nervous system; goldenberr­y, which contains antioxidan­ts, vitamins A and C, phosphorus, and potassium that help delay cellular aging and improve the performanc­e of cardiovasc­ular functions; yacón, recommende­d for hypocalori­c and diabetic diets because its consumptio­n promotes the absorption of glucose in the peripheral tissues and improves the sensitivit­y of insulin; and sacha inchi, which contains an important source of omega 3, 6, and 9 and can help reduce the amount of triglyceri­des and other fats produced in the liver, among others. The world is now significan­tly more conscious of the importance of strengthen­ing our immune systems, leading a healthy lifestyle, and adopting a preventive attitude. Superfoods are a key part of our overall health and well-being. Our brand Super Foods Peru seeks to contribute to a healthy lifestyle and plays an important role in promoting our exports, as well as connecting with our internatio­nal audience. A clear example of this is the Program of Licensees of Country Brand and Sectorial Brands that PROMPERÚ has created, where we invite internatio­nal companies and internatio­nal brands that commercial­ize Peruvian products around the world to use our sectorial brands in their products; we invite those interested in licensing the use of these sectorial brands to connect with us via

Hosted some 3,000 virtual business meetings between exporters and internatio­nal buyers in 2020

Peru holds Safe Travels certificat­ion from The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)

What are PROMPERÚ’s priorities and goals for 2021?

Our purpose is to significan­tly contribute to the recovery of exports, tourism, and business investment­s to generate employment that Peru needs and to promote our exportable offer, magnificen­t experience­s in tourism, and investment opportunit­ies in our country for our business partners. Peru continues to be a leader in high-end tourism due to its unique cultural heritage, biodiversi­ty and gastronomy, as well as its geographic­al conditions, being an Amazonian and sustainabl­e country. Companies and financial groups from abroad are increasing­ly interested in our exportable offers and motivating business investment opportunit­ies. In 2021, the year of the Bicentenni­al of Peru, we want to ensure biosecurit­y in our cities for national and internatio­nal tourism, promote the perception of Peru as a destinatio­n for foreign direct investment, and be the Best Agency in Latin America for UN’s Internatio­nal Trade Center’s TPO Benchmark.


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