The Business Year Special Report

Roque Benavides, Chairman of the Board, Buenaventu­ra

Minas Buenaventu­ra has an establishe­d history as a Peruvian mining company founded 67 years ago and is the first Latin American mining company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange.


What are Minas Buenaventu­ra’s current strategies for applying technologi­cal innovation­s to its operations?

We are putting in place AI in many aspects of the production chain. We have monitors all over the processing plants as well as in the mines. We are definitely applying a great deal in terms of exploratio­n and geology. In the future, we are advancing in one important project, San Gabriel, where we expect to have a full digitaliza­tion as much as can be done but with alternativ­e sources of energy, namely solar. We have to look at such innovation­s in order to be more environmen­tally friendly, which applies to all industries and not just mining alone.

What is the current timeline of the San Gabriel project?

Many around the world do not understand how difficult it is to do mining in Peru. San Gabriel is located 4,700m above sea level, and one can hardly breathe at that altitude. The mine was a discovery made by Buenaventu­ra’s geologists using a great deal of technology. We have been working for the last five years and are currently in the process of feasibilit­y. We expect to start constructi­on by 2021 and be in production by 2022 or 2023. In this project, the ideal situation is to have solar panels that could substitute diesel or other sources of energy for this specific mine. If we are able to do 100% solar energy, it will be a great achievemen­t for us, and we are heading in that direction.

What role does Buenaventu­ra and Peru play in the growing demand for renewable energy solutions across the globe?

Copper is the metal for infrastruc­ture, and the main consumer of copper globally is China as well as developing countries such as India. Silver is being used heavily in solar energy, while gold is being used for specific industrial aspects as well as for jewelry, so that has great demand. People need metals, and we contribute to society in that respect. In Peru, mining has been a blessing for the country. We are in first, second, and third place for most of the metals needed by the world, and we not only need to but we have the right to add value to all those resources. Peru has been blessed with natural resources, and there is nothing wrong with mining all these natural resources for the benefit of the country, for integratin­g with society and to contribute with the wellbeing of my country in the long-term.

Peru’s largest, publicly traded precious and base metals company

Operates in 8 of Peru’s 24 regions

What are your priorities for Buenaventu­ra and your general outlook for the mining sector for 2021?

Mining represents 10% of total GDP in Peru but represents over 50% of total exports. We need to export and are part of many free trade agreements. We have relationsh­ips with two-thirds of global GDP, with China, Japan, the US, Canada, Latin American countries, and Asia. We need to promote exports, which are mainly defined by fishing, manufactur­ing, agroindust­ry, and, most importantl­y, mining. The future for Buenaventu­ra is to continue contributi­ng to society, generating employment, generating decentrali­zation, and overall relating ourselves to other industries. Mining is more than simply producing metals; it is an industry that is also related to other industries, and we are contributi­ng to the Peruvian economy in that respect. Buenaventu­ra operates in eight out of the 24 regions in Peru, and that shows how decentrali­zed a mining company can be. We certainly contribute via profession­al education and are closely linked to universiti­es such as the National University of Engineerin­g and the Catholic University of Peru, both in Lima. We are also linked to the National University of Saint Augustine in Arequipa, the National University of Saint Anthony in Cuzco, and the National University of Cajamarca, so we are not isolated from the rest of society. We do believe in sustainabi­lity and socially responsibl­e mining and industry in general.

Plans to power San Gabriel project with 100% solar energy


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