The Business Year

The tech sector is experienci­ng something of a golden age


The tech sector is experienci­ng something of a golden age, as all industries move to digitalize processes as a way to increase productivi­ty and competitiv­eness in the dawn of Industry 4.0. Popular developmen­ts include cloud technology, blockchain, big data, and AI software.

Although Madrid is growing in this regard and is now home to more than 1,235 tech start-ups, Barcelona is the area receiving most attention as an internatio­nal hub for technology. This is true both in terms of ideas born there and many startups moving there as a base from which to scale up their companies. According to the Barcelona City Hall’s official figures, in 2017 jobs in the ICT sector represente­d 5.1% of jobs, with over 54,000 workers in the sector.

Perhaps the most significan­t developmen­t in the sphere in recent years is that Barcelona was chosen to be the first open lab for 5G in Europe. The regional government is prioritizi­ng this evolution, testament to which is its creation of a regional government department of digital policy, the first of its kind in Catalonian history. We spoke to the regional Minister for Digital Policy, Jordi Puigneró, who detailed the region’s commitment to putting the digital revolution high on the political agenda, focusing on five lines of action.

In this chapter, we spoke to a variety of companies that are revolution­izing the sector, including Carlos Grau from Mobile World Capital, an associatio­n dedicated to developing technology in the region and holding events, including Europe’s leading world mobile congress. Another notable interviewe­e is Mateo Valero, Director of the Barcelona Supercompu­ting Centre, home to the MareNostru­m IV, which has committed to research in general and the developmen­t of European technology in particular.

Collaborat­ion between such companies in the sector is now considered central to its continued evolution. As a result, spaces that group together like companies and promote knowledge sharing, such as 22@ and Barcelona Tech City, are becoming more and more significan­t in the city’s technologi­cal ecosystem.

The most pressing problem in the sector, both across Spain and internatio­nally, is that of human talent in terms of training and retaining. As demands for qualified employees both grow and diversify, the education system is struggling to respond quickly enough to industry demands.

Another challenge is that of growing cybersecur­ity concerns, calling for a stronger regulatory framework from public administra­tions to tackle such outcomes. This is particular­ly pressing considerin­g that public administra­tions are potentiall­y the most vulnerable in terms of cybersecur­ity attacks. ✖

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