The Business Year

Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President, Republic of Mozambique

• Inside perspectiv­e


Extract from President Nyusi’s Discourse for the Presidenti­al Inaugurati­on, on January 15, 2020, opening his second mandate (20202024).

WE START TODAY an important step on our historical path as a people and as a nation, which will elevate Mozambique to a new height of harmony and developmen­t. It is with great honor and humility that I assume the highest office of the state and the nation, as the fourth president of the Republic of Mozambique. This is the mandate that millions of Mozambican­s have conferred to me, in yet another process of democratic elections, to lead this great nation for the next five years.

I represent a new generation that has inherited enormous successes and stimulatin­g challenges. We have all inherited the responsibi­lity to preserve the conquests achieved by our people during a path led by visionary leaders who have fought for the freedom and wellbeing of all Mozambican­s. The wealth of our inheritanc­e is anchored on three main conquests: independen­ce as the starting point for our nation; national unity as a preconditi­on to building a democratic, united, and prosperous Mozambique; and peace as a preconditi­on for economic and social developmen­t. These are solid conquests for all Mozambican­s, though none can be considered definitive without further consolidat­ion. We need to make sure that never again will Mozambican­s live under the threat of fear and weapons. We are all called upon to participat­e in the educationa­l life of our nation to promote peace, harmony, and social solidarity as a collective culture in our everyday lives.

I am aware of the necessity to reinforce the requiremen­ts of our judicial institutio­ns to preserve law and order for our hardworkin­g and peaceful people. As head of state, I will prioritize openness and constructi­ve dialogue with all political forces and civil organizati­ons to promote harmony. Rest assured I will do everything in my power to prevent that. Never again will brothers turn against

“My government wants to become a strategic partner in the affirmatio­n of a robust entreprene­urial class of Mozambican­s.”

their brothers in Mozambique. I will vigorously defend human rights, in particular the right to life and the fundamenta­l liberties of every citizen. The challenges that lie ahead of us will certainly require new collective and individual attitudes. This entails the courage to make changes, but these changes must be made in the most democratic, institutio­nal, and responsibl­e way.

I assume the command of the state and government, inheriting a country experienci­ng great socioecono­mic growth, resulting from the efforts of previous administra­tions. Mozambique is blessed with natural resources, especially arable lands, forests, mineral resources, and fisheries. The recent important discoverie­s of coal, gas, and heavy minerals place Mozambique on the global radar as a preferred destinatio­n for investment­s.

Through this government, I will guarantee that all actions of research, production, distributi­on, and industrial­ization will be made in a transparen­t and responsibl­e way, contributi­ng to the expansion, transforma­tion, and modernizat­ion of the economy. I will fight to ensure a growing integratio­n of Mozambican­s in all investment projects, especially in natural resources. My government wants to become a strategic partner in the affirmatio­n of a robust entreprene­urial class of Mozambican­s. I want our state and our people to be the real owners of the wealth

and potential of our country.

We already know the importance of solidarity from countries around the world, and we want to recognize more and more the contributi­on of all who will be interested in investing, working, and living in our country, respecting Mozambican laws. My government will promote a balanced and sustainabl­e macroecono­mic environmen­t to ensure a secure climate, investor confidence, and return on investment.

We want to build a nation that bets on human capital formation and developmen­t as its active principle. We intend to invest more in the developmen­t of Mozambican­s across the country and promote the creation of new employment opportunit­ies on all levels. In the middleto-long term, we seek to visibly increase public revenue, national average income, and per-capita income. We will continue investing in traditiona­l sectors such as agricultur­e, fisheries, agro-industry, transport and services, and tourism, all of which hold great potential to create employment.

We want Mozambique to continue to be referred to as one of the countries with the highest growth rates in the world. However, the wellbeing of the average citizen is not measured solely through macroecono­mic indicators. Vast segments among our rural, peripheral, and urban population­s live in poverty. This is exacerbate­d by the fact that we are a prevalentl­y young nation with high demographi­c growth. The forecasts are clear: by 2025, we will be 33 million. We need to lay today the fundaments for this not-so-distant future. We need actions, not words.

I intend to create and lead a pragmatic government, simplifyin­g its structure and focusing on concrete problem resolution on the basis of justice and social equality. This government will strive to reduce costs, fight excessive expenditur­e, and apply responsibl­e management. The epicenters of my government will be job creation, infrastruc­ture constructi­on, and rural developmen­t. I will not stop until the whole country is paved with roads that are accessible all-year round, enabling the free circulatio­n of people and goods. We want to promote the necessary investment­s to improve our road network, railways and port system, and air and sea transport to ensure all citizens can travel safely within the country. We want to implement strategies to improve living conditions for rural and urban families. We will increase support to SMEs to generate more employment, prioritizi­ng the participat­ion of young people and women in the country’s social and economic developmen­t. We will further pursue the process of decentrali­zation and de-concentrat­ion of competence­s and resources to boost rapid developmen­t across all territoria­l units. We want to implement developmen­t programs and strategies for the districts, where people co-exist with real problems. Finally, I want Mozambican­s to live in a country with electricit­y, a diversifie­d energy matrix, greater access to potable water, health structures, and universal access to informatio­n technologi­es and communicat­ions.

Agricultur­e is the fundamenta­l basis of our developmen­t, as defined in our constituti­on. Thus, we want to dedicate special attention to the promotion of public and private investment­s in agricultur­e, farming, and fishing; provide support to rural families and incentives to farmers; industrial­ize agricultur­e; and focus on food production and food security as a basic human right.

I know this commitment that I am taking in front of the nation and the world requires great responsibi­lity, sacrifice, and hard work. Let us join hands and walk together as brothers to build a better Mozambique. ✖

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